
Received Sept. 19, 1978. Copyright © American Ins t i tu te of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 1978. All rights reserved. Index categories: Radiation and Radiative Heat Transfer; Thermal Modeling and Analysis; Spacecraft Temperature Control. *Staff Engineer, Electro-Optical and Data Systems Group. 2>y2>2 -Cartesian coordinates of a point on the periphery of surface 2, cm 5 = distance between dAl and a point on the periphery of surface 2, cm r = radial coordinate in plane of surface 2, cm r0,r,= outer and inner radii, respectively, of surface 2, cm rc = radius of cylinder, cm p = radial coordinate in plane of dA l, cm 6 = angular displacement from x axis, rad e =emissivity 0, a) = viewing angles, rad h = vertical distance between surface 1 and surface 2, cm

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