
The shape-based retrieval is defined as the operation that searches for the (sub)sequences whose shapes are similar to that of a query sequence regardless of their actual element values. In this paper, we propose a similarity model suitable for shape-based retrieval and present an indexing method for supporting the similarity model. The proposed similarity model enables to retrieve similar shapes accurately by providing the combination of multiple shape-preserving transformations such as normalization, moving average, and time warping. Our indexing method stores every distinct subsequence concisely into the disk-based suffix tree for efficient and adaptive query processing. We allow the user to dynamically choose a similarity model suitable for a given application. More specifically, we allow the user to determine the parameter p of the distance function L p when submitting a query. The result of extensive experiments revealed that our approach not only successfully finds the subsequences whose shapes are similar to a query shape but also significantly outperforms the sequential scan method.

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