
This study compares sand shiner (Notropis stramineus) and silverjaw (Ericymba buccata) minnows, in terms of the morphological shape changes of the upper, lower, and pharyngeal jaws over ontogeny. These two species of minnows initially feed on midge larvae and undergo an ontogenic prey shift. The traditional morphometrics measured-total length, snout-to-vent length, eye diameter, premaxilla length, lower jaw length, gape-were regressed onto total length to test for allometry. Digital pictures were processed with tpsDig and further analyzed with MorphoJ utilizing a regular geometric morphometrics procedure using principle component analyses. We examined gut contents for 16 fish of each species. For the silverjaw minnows, we found all jaw variables to exhibit positive allometric growth with increasing total length, while most of the jaw variables for the sand shiner exhibited negative allometric growth with increasing total length. This correlates with an ontogenic prey shift for both species. Sand shiner minnows have been found to be more omnivorous, feeding on algae later in life, while silverjaw minnows undergo a prey shift to larger invertebrates. These species lack oral dentition causing an increased reliance on the pharyngeal apparatus. Principle component analyses revealed elongation of pharyngeal jaw elements in the silverjaw minnows and a relative shortening and bulking of pharyngeal jaws in the sand shiner minnows. The ontogenic dietary shifts observed in these two species provide possible explanation for the morphological changes over ontogeny in jaw elements, which are likely enabling these species to occupy the same habitat with little niche overlap.

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