
Background: Introduction: In chronic calculous pancreatitis Pain is predominant symptoms Intractable hampers activities unresponsive to drug treatment. Surgical treatment combination of resection and decompression.New technique is convenient. Materials and method: Prospective study in Bangobandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University and private hospital of Dhaka City. Study period from Jan. 2010 to December 2016.Total case is 98. Male 57and female 41. Age ranges from 15 to 54 yrs. Come from low socio-income group, non alcoholic. Description of technique: The transverse colon with mesocolon pulled upwards. longitudinal incision is given exposed the whole length of the pancreas. The anastomosis made at antero-inferior surface of pancreas most dependent part. Incision reach to the duodenal wall about 1 cm from it. Incision reach near to hilum of spleen in dilated duct. All fragments stone are removed from MPD wirsung Santorini duct inflammatory mass any stricture band with calcification removed. whole length of duct single channel.The jejunal loop selected for anastomosis 5-6 cm away from DJ flexure, hold by two Babcocks foreceps. Anti-mesenteric border jejunum opened by scissors. Using 3-0 PDS anastomosis starts from tail towards head.No roux-en Y anastomosis. Single anastomosis Shorter operating time Bleeding minimum Morbidity mortality zero. Results: Total case 98. Malignant cases not included. Total follow up period is 6 yrs.Pain recurrence 3-4 %. Conclusion: small number case, single centre.

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