
The superalgebra eigenstates (SAES) concept is introduced and then applied to find the SAES associated to the $sh(2/2)$ superalgebra, also known as Heisenberg--Weyl Lie superalgebra. This implies to solve a Grassmannian eigenvalue superequation. Thus, the $sh(2/2)$ SAES contain the class of supercoherent states associated to the supersymmetric harmonic oscillator and also a class of supersqueezed states associated to the $osp(2/2) \sdir sh(2/2)$ superalgebra, where $osp(2/2)$ denotes the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra generated by the set of operators formed from the quadratic products of the Heisenberg--Weyl Lie superalgebra generators. The properties of these states are investigated and compared with those of the states obtained by applying the group-theoretical technics. Moreover, new classes of generalized supercoherent and supersqueezed states are also obtained. As an application, the superHermitian and $\eta$--pseudo--superHermitian Hamiltonians without a defined Grassmann parity and isospectral to the harmonic oscillator are constructed. Their eigenstates and associated supercoherent states are calculated.

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