
UAVs or Drones can be used to support wireless communication by acting as flying or mobile Base Stations for the accumulation of the different types of data to train the models. However, in traditional or DL-based UAVs, the raw data is sent from the devices to the centralized server, which causes problems in terms of the privacy of the devices and the UAVs’ communication resources or limited processing. Therefore, the issue with DL-based UAVs is that sending the original data to the centralized body raises questions about security and privacy. The transmission of distributed, unprocessed data from the drones to the cloud, including interactive media information data types, requires a significant amount of network bandwidth and more energy, which has an enormous effect on several trade-offs, including communication rates and computation latencies. Data packet loss caused by asynchronous transmission, which doesn’t prevent peer-to-peer communication, is a concern with AFL-based UAVs. Therefore, in order to address the aforementioned issues, we have introduced SFL-based UAVs that focus on creating algorithms in which the models simultaneously update the server as they wait for all of the chosen devices to communicate. The proposed framework enables a variety of devices, including mobile and UAV devices, to train or learn their algorithms for machine learning before updating the models and parameters simultaneously to servers or manned aerial data centers for model buildup without transferring their original private information. This decreases packet loss and privacy threats while also enhancing round effectiveness as well as model accuracy. The comparative analysis of AFL and SFL techniques in terms of accuracy, global rounds, and communication rounds are offered. Simulation findings suggest that the proposed methodology improves in terms of global rounds and accuracy.

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