
With the proliferation of Knowledge Graphs (KGs), knowledge graph completion (KGC) has attracted much attention. Previous KGC methods focus on extracting shallow structural information from KGs or in combination with external knowledge, especially in commonsense concepts (generally, commonsense concepts refer to the basic concepts in related fields that are required for various tasks and academic research, for example, in the general domain, “Country” can be considered as a commonsense concept owned by “China”), to predict missing links. However, the technology of extracting commonsense concepts from the limited database is immature, and the scarce commonsense database is also bound to specific verticals (commonsense concepts vary greatly across verticals, verticals refer to a small field subdivided vertically under a large field). Furthermore, most existing KGC models refine performance on public KGs, leading to inapplicability to actual KGs. To address these limitations, we proposed a novel Scalable Formal Concept-driven Architecture (SFCA) to automatically encode factual triples into formal concepts as a superior structural feature, to support rich information to KGE. Specifically, we generate dense formal concepts first, then yield a handful of entity-related formal concepts by sampling and delimiting the appropriate candidate entity range via the filtered formal concepts to improve the inference of KGC. Compared with commonsense concepts, KGC benefits from more valuable information from the formal concepts, and our self-supervision extraction method can be applied to any KGs. Comprehensive experiments on five public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of SFCA. Besides, the proposed architecture also achieves the SOTA performance on the industry dataset. This method provides a new idea in the promotion and application of knowledge graphs in AI downstream tasks in general and industrial fields.

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