
 Seyitömer Höyük, located in Central Western Anatolia, emphasises the station settlement model, which is a transitional location in terms of geography and cultural-commercial relations via intensity of production both with its architectural structure template and material culture elements and in the 3rd millennium BC. Considering the lack of a detailed study on other samples of this archaeological find group in Anatolia, the evaluation of the clay brush handles belonging to the Early Bronze Age II and Early Bronze Age III levels that was found at Seyitömer Höyük can be considered as a unique study. The Seyitömer Höyük brush handles, which constitute the subject of this study, are the samples found in Levels V and VI. Various evaluations have been carried out on this group of finds in line with their typological classification, spatial context analysis and intended use. Seyitömer Höyük brush handles are typologically represented by three types. In the spatial context analysis, the necessity of evaluating the brush handles together with a finds package and therefore the association of finds within the sites has been taken into consideration. Thanks to the analyses carried out on this group of finds, the deficiency in the literature regarding to the intended use of the brush handles was tried to be overcome. Finally, analogical analyses of clay brush handles have been carried out in order to make comparisons with other examples in Anatolia, and thus to reveal the harmony or differences of the brushes among the material culture items of Seyitömer Höyük with other settlements. Initially, as a result of the comparative analysis, it can be observed that the brush handles from Seyitömer Höyük are similar in form and find context to the brush handles found in Western Anatolia. Secondly, the existence of common similarities with examples from regions other than Western Anatolia is also revealed. In this context, it is thought that the evaluation of the brush handles will contribute to the understanding of Seyitömer Höyük's cultural ties with the region and more distant regions.

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