
Type-1 nuclear activity is rare in low-redshift clusters of galaxies. An analysis of the WIde field Nearby Galaxy Cluster Survey (WINGS) and of its extension Omega-WINGS revealed only three Seyfert 1 galaxies that are cluster members. We present a focused analysis of their emission line properties according to the interpretation scheme known as the Eigenvector 1/main sequence of quasars. Nuclear activity of the cluster members appears to be modest in the context of low-z type-1 AGN; however, one of the three Seyfert galaxies (WINGS J201158.35–570512.1) is a candidate super-Eddington source. Some general implications on non-thermal activity in clusters are suggested by the low prevalence of Seyfert 1s in the survey, and by the prevalence ratio between type-2 and type-1 AGN, apparently much higher in the cluster environment than in the field.

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