
Objective — assessing the current prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV in prisons in the context of a holistic consideration of the problem, and taking into account our own pilot studies on the prevalence of herpes simplex virus infection type 1 (HSV-1) and disorders of the psycho-emotional state of patients.
 Materials and methods. The search was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of PRISMA 2009, 2020 (The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses). The data of own research of 33 convicted men and 29 women are also presented.
 Results and discussion. Among 33 convicted men, IgM HSV-1 markers were diagnosed in 6.7 % cases, and among 29 women — in 4.9 % cases, IgG HSV-1 markers — in 92.8 % and 96.9 % cases, respectively. In the process of assessing the psycho-emotional state of patients with HSV-1 markers, the average scores on the scale of anxiety and depression (HADS) ranged from 7.6 to 8.9 points, which directly correlated with the duration of the disease, the number of exacerbations and rash in the labial, genital and perianal areas (61.9—71.4 %).Despite the difficult material, logistical and sanitary conditions in penitentiaries, they may be more favorable to the vast majority of convicts than the way of life they lived in freedom, given the fact that vulnerable groups often do not have adequate access to health care services. For most of them, imprisonment is an opportunity to get the treatment, preventive measures and basic health information they need.
 Conclusions. The significant prevalence of STIs/HIV in the penitentiary institutions of the world has been confirmed. Among convicts in Ukraine, serological markers of HSV-1 are quite common.

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