
The onset of puberty is associated with the psychophysiological maturation of the adolescent to an adult capable of reproduction when olfactory signals play an important role. This period begins with the secretion of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from GnRH neurons within the hypothalamus. This is regulated by kisspeptin neurons that express high levels of transmembrane prolactin receptors (PRLR) that bind to and are activated by prolactin (PRL). The elevated levels of serum PRL found during lactation, or caused by chronic PRL infusion, decreases the secretion of gonadotropins and kisspeptin and compromised the estrous cyclicity and the ovulation. In the present work, we aimed to evaluate the effects of either increased or decreased PRL circulating levels within the peripubertal murine brain by administration of PRL or treatment with cabergoline (Cab) respectively. We showed that either treatment delayed the onset of puberty in females, but not in males. This was associated with the augmentation of the PRL receptor (Prlr) mRNA expression in the arcuate nucleus and decreased Kiss1 expression in the anteroventral periventricular zone. Then, during adulthood, we assessed the activation of the mitral and granular cells of the main (MOB) and accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) by cFos immunoreactivity (ir) after the exposure to soiled bedding of the opposite sex. In the MOB, the PRL treatment promoted an increased cFos-ir of the mitral cells of males and females. In the granular cells of male of either treatment an augmented activation was observed. In the AOB, an impaired cFos-ir was observed in PRL and Cab treated females after exposure to male soiled bedding. However, in males, only Cab impaired its activation. No effects were observed in the AOB-mitral cells. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that PRL contributes to pubertal development and maturation of the MOB-AOB during the murine juvenile period in a sex-dependent way.

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