
Aspects of sexual function, partnership responsiveness and fulfilment after stroke were, together with sexually performance orientated and stigmatic attitudes, investigated in 51 subjects. Erectile and orgastic spectatoring were frequent after stroke and were in the males significantly associated. Retarded ejaculation occurred for no males before but for 15% after the stroke. Marked decreases in different kinds of caressive behaviour were followed by discontentment and up to and about half the subjects felt that sexual partnership responsiveness had deteriorated. After the stroke the commonly occurring reduction in general sexual satisfaction was significantly associated with symptoms of increased sexual dysfunction, disturbed partnership responsiveness and reduced sexual fulfilment. The high prevalence of sexual maladjustment in stroke victims appears mostly to be psychogenic. Important precipitating factors are performance orientation and sexual stigmatism. Moreover, lack of sexual information and counselling may contribute to deterioration of partnership sexuality.

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