
This paper links the Sexual Revolution with queer neovitalism, framing both in the emancipatory impulse that underlies European culture. Impulse does not imply the confrontation between tradition and progress, but the confrontation of tradition with itself. After analyzing its epistemological referents of 68, our research shows that the conceptualization of desire as the genuine ″revolutionary instance″ and the synthesis of the relationships between language, power and politics, forged the myth of the Sexual Revolution. In addition, that this, by dissociating the sexual encounter of procreation, inspired the current gender perspective, the culture of performativity and the critique of heteronormativity. Linking the queer perspective with transhumanism, this work reveals the constroversial nature of its neovitalist current and highlines its eugenics and bio-colonial potential. Eugenic and bio-colonial potential that is evidenced by the use of genetic material and foreign bodies as a ″product″ for the social reassignment, as procreator, of the queer collective. Finally, the work reveals the inherent contradiction of the Sexual Revolution, concluding that it did not bring the emancipation that it promised, but that it implied a relapse in the state of nature, in the instinctive centrality that orders praxis to the submission of the environment, propitiating a new form of social control and a new conformity.

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