
T HE size or age of the male at attainment of sexual maturity has been but vaguely delimited for most species of turtles. Risley (1933) provides this information for Sternotherus odoratus and Hildebrand (1932) has indicated the size at sexual maturity for Malaclemys. Proper analysis of the growth history of an individual or population is difficult if the range of size and age at sexual maturity is unknown. Turtles of the genus Pseudemys are usually sexed on the basis of the long preanal region and the long nails of the fore feet in the male. Identification of juvenile males or males in their first season of maturity as females may result from this procedure. Measurement of secondary sex characters taken from turtles collected from the City Lake at Carbondale, Illinois, and Lake Glendale, near Dixon Springs, Illinois, provide more adequate data for the determination of the attainment of maturity.

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