
Finn × Dorset ewe lambs (n = 70) born in the spring (March 28 to April 6) from two successive lambing seasons were evaluated for age at first ovulation in the absence of mature rams. Ewe lambs were born in a controlled, short light (8L:16D) photoperiod or in ambient light (13L:11D). At about 10 to 11 wk of age, ewe lambs were allocated to a short (8L:16D) or long (16L:8D) light environment. Plasma progesterone (P 4) concentrations were measured as an index of first ovulation. First exposure of ewes to sexually mature rams was in November. Most ewe lambs (77%) ovulated before ram exposure. More lambs (P < 0.025) born in ambient light and raised in short light reached puberty with typical cycles of plasma progesterone compared to other treatments. Long days tended to retard the onset of puberty. Although pregnancy rate did not differ across light treatments, more ewes became pregnant from the ambient-light born and short-light raised treatment. Photoperiod is an important factor affecting the onset of sexual maturation and genesis of normal luteal progesterone secretion in the ewe lamb.

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