
Female sexual function is increasingly used as an outcome measure of the success of vaginal surgery. Most women without coital incontinence will have no change in sexual function following anti‐incontinence surgery, although overall there may be a slight improvement. If coital incontinence is cured by surgery, the woman is very likely to report an improvement in sexual function. The majority of studies of pelvic organ prolapse repair show no change in subsequent sexual function. Worsening of sexual function is most likely to follow posterior repair. Learning objectives: To understand how female sexual function can be assessed. To understand how surgery for incontinence and/or prolapse is likely to affect sexual function. To be willing and better able to discuss sexual function with women before surgery. Ethical issue: As surgery can adversely affect sexual function, is it unethical to fail to discuss this sensitive area preoperatively? Please cite this article as: Neill C, Abdel‐Fattah M, Ramsay IN. Sexual function and vaginal surgery. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 2009;11:193–198.

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