
The sexual education of individuals with multiple disabilities holds a special place in the contemporary content of the subject of Special Education. The article is dedicated to the theoretical and methodological aspects of the discussed problem. The conceptual thesaurus of the presented thematic area is highlighted. Special attention is paid to the stages of human psychosexual development and the regularities of pubertal maturation. The main focus is placed on the sexual self-determination of the young people with intense and complex combinations of disabilities, the equal rights and conditions of functioning within the range of the opportunities available. The principles underlying the approach to the care of persons with multiple physical and mental limitations in the field of their sexual education are presented. There is a particular interest in the current and delicate problematic, which addresses the importance and conditions of sexual education for the development of sexuality, as well as the parents' attitudes towards the sexual relations of their children. An attempt has been made to identify the main areas of activity related to supporting people with multiple disabilities in finding their own way in the field of sexuality and partnership.

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