
The article reflects the main components of a woman’s health; it isstated that a person’s quality of life depends on the realization of her reproductive and sexual functions. Traditionally, sexual dysfunctionin wo­­men of reproductive age is associated with a number of factors such as trauma during childbirth through the natural birth canal, chronic stress caused by various experiences and illnesses, and environmental influences. Endometriosis is a disease characterized by the presence of endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity. It is believed that this disease can occur in 75 % of women with various gynecological symptoms. Endometriosis has devastating consequences for women’s reproductive health, and the economic costs associated with disability, treatment and rehabilitation are about $ 70 billion a year. The traditional clinical signs of endometriosis include menstrual irregularities, pain, and infertility. International population studies have shown that the delay in diagnosing endometriosis and starting of adequate treatment is on average 6—7 years from the onset of the first symptoms of the disease, which leads to irreversible changes in the female reproductive organs. The first stage of treatment of endometriosis is initiation therapy, aimed at stabilizing proliferative processes, restoring conditions favorable for growth and functioning off ollicles, restoring steroid and immunebalances. Estrogen dysfunction creates epigeneticconditions for the progression of endometriosis. Functional hypoestrogenismin women with sexual dysfunction requires non-traditional approaches to treatment. Criteria for treatment effectiveness are regression of end ometriosis foci, restoration of endometrial receptors, absence of pain syndrome, prevention of new fociof endometriosis, restoration off ertility in the natural cycle. A clinical case of sexual dysfunction(a decrease in lubrication) in a woman of early reproductive age,as an early sign of endometrioid ovarian lesion, is presented.


  • Представлений клінічний випадок сексуальної дисфункції у жінки раннього репродуктивного віку як раннього маркера ендометрiоїдного ураження яєчників

  • Endometriosis is a disease characterized by the presence of endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity

  • It is believed that this disease can occur in 75% of women with gynecological diseases, hyperproliferative processes against the background of high estrogen levels and progesterone deficiency, infertility [9,10,11,12,13,14]

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Sexual dysfunction as an early marker of endometriosis

Preserving the nation’s reproductive health is an important medical and governmental concern. It is recognized that the quality of life depends on the realization of its reproductive and sexual function. Much attention is paid to the study of the sexual health of women, since disorders in the female sexual sphere are linked to women’s personality disorders and affect relationships in the family and society Indicators such as spiritual, physical, social, reproductive and sexual health are included in determining a woman’s overall health. Ultrasound structure of the ovary in sexual dysfunction and ovarian endometriosis. Many scientists have recognized the hormonal dependence of endometriosis, and only a slight decrease in steroidogenic ovarian function, which is manifested not by a pronounced inferiority of the yellow body and anovulation. Автори заявляють про відсутність конфлікту інтересів при підготовці цієї статті. A systematic review on the effects of surgical and pharmacological treatments for endometriosis on female sexual functioning.

SUMMARY Sexual dysfunction as an early marker of endometriosis
РЕЗЮМЕ Сексуальна дисфункція як ранній маркер ендометріозу
РЕЗЮМЕ Сексуальная дисфункция как ранний маркер эндометриоза
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