
By means of Questionnaires HTDM and SAM the heterosexual development and sexual activity were investigated in the following groups of males: 1. the control group consists of 345 married men from sterile marriages, who were adequately developed somatosexually, had normozoospermia in the ejaculate and a good potency; 2. in 48 unilateral and 57 bilateral adult cryptorchids; 3. in 101 married men with a distinct testicular hypoplasia, the long axis of both sexual glands being shorter than 30 mm; 4. in 110 patients with a Klinefelter's syndrome; 5. in 14 patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Whereas the retardation of heterosexual development was found only in two groups (group 4 and 5), a distinctly lowered activity in sex life was ascertained in all four pathological samples.

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