
Whilst research on indecent image of children (HOC) offenders is increasing, litde is known about HOC content. This paper presents a content analysis on the sexual actions depicted in a sample of 729 HOC ffom 26 offenders. Victims were most often White females aged around 95 years, with most offenders in the 18-24 age range, male and White. Most images show erotic posing with no sexual activity, with 13.4% presenting sexual activity by an adult on a child and 12.8%presenting sexual activity by a child on an adult. ExpUcit portrayals of physical aggression, humih'ation or overt physical suffering were conspicuously rare. Few images depicted attempts to display pseudo affection towards the victim. Interactions were found in several variables between victims' age and gender and offenders' age and gender. The need to more fully understand the nature and content of HOC and their psychological significance are discussed.

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