
Introduction: Sex differences exist in the prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). Part of the aetiology of NDDs has been proposed to be alterations in the balance between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission, leading to the question of whether males and females respond differently to altered neurotransmitter balance. We investigated whether pharmacological alteration of GABAA signalling in early development results in sex-dependent changes in adult behaviours associated with NDDs. Methods: Male and female C57BL/6J mice received intraperitoneal injections of 0.5 mg/kg muscimol or saline on postnatal days (P) 3–5 and were subjected to behavioural testing, specifically open field, light/dark box, marble-burying, sucralose preference, social interaction, and olfactory habituation/dishabituation tests between P60 and P90. Results: Early postnatal administration of muscimol resulted in reduced anxiety in the light/dark box test in both male and female adult mice. Muscimol reduced sucralose preference in males, but not females, whereas female mice showed reduced social behaviours. Regional alterations in cortical thickness were observed in the weeks following GABAA receptor activation, pointing to an evolving structural difference in the brain underlying adult behaviour. Conclusions: We conclude that activation of the GABAA receptor in the first week of life resulted in long-lasting changes in a range of behaviours in adulthood following altered neurodevelopment. Sex of the individual affected the nature and severity of these abnormalities, explaining part of the varied pathophysiology and neurodevelopmental diagnosis that derive from excitatory/inhibitory imbalance.

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