
Vertebrate species from fish to humans engage in a complex set of preparatory behaviors referred to as nesting; yet despite its phylogenetic ubiquity, the physiological and neural mechanisms that underlie nesting are not well known. We here test the hypothesis that nesting behavior is influenced by the vasopressin–oxytocin (VP–OT) peptides, based upon the roles they play in parental behavior in mammals. We quantified nesting behavior in male and female zebra finches following both peripheral and central administrations of OT and V1a receptor (OTR and V1aR, respectively) antagonists. Peripheral injections of the OTR antagonist profoundly reduce nesting behavior in females, but not males, whereas comparable injections of V1aR antagonist produce relatively modest effects in both sexes. However, central antagonist infusions produce no effects on nesting, and OTR antagonist injections into the breast produce significantly weaker effects than those into the inguinal area, suggesting that antagonist effects are mediated peripherally, likely via the oviduct. Finally, immunocytochemistry was used to quantify nesting-induced Fos activation of nonapeptide neurons in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus and the medial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Nest-building induced Fos expression within paraventricular VP neurons of females but not males. Because the avian forms of OT (Ile8-OT; mesotocin) and VP (Ile3-VP; vasotocin) exhibit high affinity for the avian OTR, and because both peptide forms modulate uterine contractility, we hypothesize that nesting-related stimuli induce peptide release from paraventricular vasotocin neurons, which then promote female nesting via peripheral feedback from OTR binding in the oviduct uterus.

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