
Plasmodial slime molds are members of the class Amoebozoa forming elaborate fruit bodies releasing airborne spores. Two species concepts have been developed independently: a morphological relying on fruit body characters, and a biological relying on crossing studies of a few cultivable species. In an attempt to reconcile both concepts, we obtained for 198 specimens of the common species Trichia varia partial sequences of three independent markers (nuclear small-subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA gene, extrachromosomal; elongation factor 1 alpha gene, chromosomal; cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene, mitochondrial). The resulting phylogeny revealed 21 three-marker genotypes clustering into three groups. Combinations of the single-marker genotypes occurred exclusively within these groups, called 1, 2a, and 2b. To examine the suitability of group I introns to monitor speciation events, complete SSU sequences were generated for 66 specimens, which revealed six positions that can carry group I introns. For each of the groups 1 and 2a, five of these positions were occupied by different intron genotypes; and no genotype was shared by the two groups. Group 2b was devoid of introns. Putatively functional or degenerated homing endonuclease genes were found at different positions in groups 1 and 2a. All observations (genotypic combinations of the three markers, signs of recombination, intron patterns) fit well into a pattern of three cryptic biological species that reproduce predominantly sexual but are reproductively isolated. The pattern of group I introns and inserted homing endonuclease genes mounts evidence that the Goddard-Burt intron life cycle model applies to naturally occurring myxomycete populations.

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