
After orthotopic transplantation of the gonadic primordia of Amblystoma maculatum (Shaw) the writer1 found a differentiation of the gonad according to the sex of the donor rather than the sex of the host. When an ovary and a testis developed together in any host, however, the testis, whether that of the graft or that of the host, usually induced a modification of the ovary, reducing it in extreme cases to a rudimentary structure containing relatively few germ cells (freemartin ovary). These results were in marked contrast to those of Burns2 who found only unisexual ( or ) combinations in 80 pairs of animals of the same species which had been joined in parabiosis in embryonic stages comparable to those used by the writer for transplantation of gonadic primordia. To determine whether the local (Buffalo) strain of A. maculatum would yield similar results under the conditions of parabiosis, 60 pairs were joined in the spring of 1931. Since the operations were performed late in the season on embryos of rather ...

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