
Abstract Immunophenotyping of PBMC from SLE patients (n~40) indicated significantly reduced numbers of CD4+CD25hi Foxp3+ T cells and CD8+Foxp3+T cells (p<0.02) as compared to healthy matched controls (n ~20) and autoimmune disease control RA patients (n=30). Numbers of CD4+ and CD8+regulatory T cells are decreased in healthy females compared to healthy males (p<0.01). Both CD4+CD25hi and CD8+CD25hi subsets in males had 3-4-fold higher Foxp3 mRNA compared to females. Stimulation of PBMCs with b-estradiol (30pg/ml) decreases Foxp3 expression in healthy females but not in age matched healthy males. At higher doses (60,150 pg/ml) estrogen has little effect in either sex. Estrogen decreases Foxp3 mRNA and protein expression in both female and male SLE patients’ CD4+CD25- T cells (p<0.05). An Inhibitor of b estradiol (ERa) increased apoptosis in male SLE patients only. These data suggest that estrogen affects the T regulatory compartment.

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