
11-12 years old are the end period of children where children start to think logically,critically, creatively, and scientifically. Introducing sex to children is a must for educators and parents. The purpose of this activity is to provide education about reproductive health to adolescents, at SD Kanisius Sengkan Yogyakarta. The methods used were lectures, discussions and screening of educational videos on male and female reproductive organs, the impact of gadget addiction on watching pornography. This community service activity was carried out by a team of lecturers of the D III Nursing study program STIKES Wira Husada Yogyakarta, with a target of 95 students. As a result of this activity, students received information about reproductive health in men and reproductive health in women, as well as the impact of gadget addiction on pornographic content. The conclusion of this activity is that students know about reproductive health in adolescents and are expected to take care of themselves by applying healthy reproduction and avoiding addiction to pornographic content.

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