
Lack of sex education in Indian schools affects mental/ psychological development of children negatively -- This view is being expressed emphatically nowadays by external experts. The irony of the situation is that Indian experts are agreeing to this without so much of giving it a thought. As Dr. Srivastava a psychology faculty in an Indian university opines if we consider this advice in context of Indian culture... we can conclude that possibly ... our country at least does not need it (sex education). Reportedly many teachers are opposed to the idea while simultaneously others are strongly advocating it. In view of the controversy pertaining to the subject it is important that various issues pertaining to sex education are clarified. Firstly it is important to know the aims and objectives of introducing the subject of sex education in school curricula. Very often people advocate sex education saying that it will help in controlling AIDS and in reducing adolescent pregnancies and the incidents of sexual assaults on women. Such statements are misleading and are based on false assumptions. These false promises (and premises) may lead to frustration in future. Because if it had been so there would have been no such problem in western countries which have an elaborate system of sex education in schools. We all know that sexual promiscuity and homosexuality is widely prevalent in countries like USA where family as an institution is broken and many experimental family systems exhorting free sex have been tried. Even AIDS originated from there. Thus sex education is not a proven guarantee against spread of AIDS and should not be promoted with such an aim. (excerpt)

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