
The shocking amount of immorality or sex delinquency among young people of our day has led to much discussion of the subject of sex education and even in a greater measure of what is more specifically termed sex instruction. A great variety of opinions have been expressed and no less a variety of recommendations have been made. Some seem to see in the situation nothing more than certain dangers to health. Many apparently assume that knowledge alone is necessary--in other words that sex instruction will correct immorality and control passions. Not a few would put the burden of sex instruction on wrong shoulders--for instance on schools youth agencies or other social organizations. Large numbers tend to departmentalize sex education to deal with it as something apart from the rest of life. More still do not even think of the supernatural in connection with training young folks to lead chaste lives. They would limit all to the merely natural. In view of the great confusion of opinions and attitudes on the subject a glimpse at how the Church with her age-old experience of the centuries to call upon looks at it would seem of interest and value. The Church has as a matter of fact made many pronouncements on the subject. Her supreme head her theologians and even not a few of her lay scholars have repeatedly spoken and written on the subject and there is a striking unanimity in the views expressed. (excerpt)

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