
Two investigations were conducted to examine sex differ ences in the way rape victims are perceived. In the first study, 25 statements pertaining to rape were administered to a group of 111 female and 70 male undergraduates. Factor analysis of item ratings identified two factors: perceived causality and perceived severity of consequences. Comparisons of the items loading on each of the two factors revealed consistent sex differences in per ceived causality and no significant differences in perceived sev erity of consequences. In the second study, a role-played video tape interview between a presumed rape victim and a police officer was shown to 23 male and 24 female undergraduates. Subjects rated the victim on a series of scales thematically similar to the state ments used in the first study. Sex differences, consistent with the first study were found, with males viewing the victim as play ing a greater causal role in the rape episode than females.

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