
One in three adults reports experiencing inadequate or disrupted sleep throughout the night, with the incidence being higher in women than in men. Disturbances in nightly sleep result in physiological alterations that contribute to a number of disorders. Poor sleep quality is believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of these disorders through interactions with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The present study investigated the effect of one and three days of restricted sleep on HPA axis reactivity. Male and female C57BL/6J (n = 8/group) mice were sleep-deprived for a 20 h period for one day or three consecutive days using the modified multiple platform method, and then subjected to acute restraint stress. In response to sleep restriction, males showed blunted restraint-induced rises in CORT relative to controls. After three days of restricted sleep, females showed a similar attenuation in restraint-induced CORT. However, this effect was ablated after a single day of sleep restriction. Analyses of gene expression revealed significant elevations in the expression of pituitary HPA axis regulatory genes proopiomelanocortin and corticotropin releasing factor receptor 1 in both sexes following sleep restriction. In males, but not females, adrenal mRNA expression of 11β-hydroxylase and melanocortin receptor 2 were also increased. Altogether, these data suggest several possible mechanisms are involved in the HPA axis dysregulation following sleep restriction, and that there are sex differences in how the HPA axis responds to sleep loss.Lay summarySleep restriction alters the stress response differently in males and females following varying nights of sleep restriction. These alterations are accompanied by changes in gene expression in the pituitary and adrenal glands.

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