
Both body size dimorphism and sex differences in the relative costs and benefits associated with acquiring energy for reproduction have been advanced to explain the evolution of sex differences in foraging behaviour. We examined the extent to which these factors influenced sex differences in the diving behaviour of a size-dimorphic, capital breeder, the grey seal, Halichoerus grypus. Using time-depth data loggers, we examined the diving behaviour of 46 male and 49 female grey seals for 7 months before parturition and mating. Males and females showed significantly different seasonal patterns in the characteristics of individual dives and dive effort. Compared with males, females showed significantly higher levels of dive effort immediately following moult and in the 3 months before parturition. Females also had longer dives (5.5 versus 4.9 min) and spent more time at depth (3.4 versus 2.7 min), whereas males dived deeper (57 versus 49 m). Males dived consistently throughout the day, whereas females showed strong diurnal patterns in dive depth, duration and frequency. The diving behaviour and rates of mass gain by females suggested a pattern of foraging consistent with early accumulation of body energy to support pregnancy and the subsequent lactation period during which females fast. Males, on the other hand, showed diving behaviour and rates of mass gain consistent with a more gradual accumulation of energy stores. Our results suggest that sex differences in the seasonal patterns of diving behaviour reflect sex differences in the costs and benefits of stored energy for reproduction rather than the influence of body size dimorphism alone.

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