
Despite significant research demonstrating the deleterious effects of tobacco abstinence on memory, and research showing substantial sex differences in nicotine withdrawal and memory processes, there has been scant work on how males and females might differ in the effects of tobacco abstinence on memory and cognition. Using a standard recognition memory task, we conducted a pilot study to examine how 24 hours of tobacco abstinence in moderate to heavy smokers would affect memory in males and females. Twenty-five moderate to heavy smokers were tested following a period of smoking normally and following 24 hours of tobacco abstinence. At each session, participants completed a recognition memory task in which items were studied under full- and divided-attention conditions (a standard manipulation of memory encoding) as well as tests of passive short-term and working memory (forward and backward digit span). Tobacco abstinence significantly reduced memory performance under full attention conditions for males but not for females. A significant main effect of smoking status in which abstinence significantly reduced performance, as well as a main effect of encoding condition (divided attention < full attention), were found. Our results demonstrate that there may be substantial sex differences in the cognitive effects of tobacco abstinence. While preliminary, the data suggest the need for further, more extensive study of how males and females differ during tobacco abstinence. Such information will inform the best strategies for tobacco cessation efforts.

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