
Sex differences are prominent defining features of neurodevelopmental disorders. Understanding the sex biases in these disorders can shed light on mechanisms leading to relative risk and resilience for the disorders, as well as more broadly advance our understanding of how sex differences may relate to brain development. The prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders is increasing, and the two most common neurodevelopmental disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) exhibit male-biases in prevalence rates and sex differences in symptomology. While the causes of neurodevelopmental disorders and their sex differences remain to be fullyunderstood, increasing evidence suggests that the immune system plays a critical role in shaping development. In this chapter we discuss sex differences in prevalence and symptomology of ASD and ADHD, review sexual differentiation and immune regulation of neurodevelopment, and discuss findings from human and rodent studies of immune dysregulation and perinatal immune perturbation as they relate to potential mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental disorders. This chapter will give an overview of how understanding sex differences in neuroimmune function in the context of neurodevelopmental disorders could lend insight into their etiologies and better treatment strategies.

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