
Abstract Most species of owls lack distinctive sexual color dimorphism, and plumage is not considered reliable for distinguishing sex. In North America, Long-eared Owls (Asio otus) are generally considered monomorphic in color, although there are subtle color differences between the sexes. From 1987 to 2015, we investigated differences in plumage coloration of male and female Long-eared Owls in western Montana. We initially used an observational method (1987–1993), followed by a quantitative method (1994–1999), and then a simplified method (2000–2015). When we used the observational method, we correctly sexed all 22 Long-eared Owls. For the quantitative method, we used a Munsell Soil Color Chart to score underwing coverts, tarsometatarsus, and facial disc of breeding males and females and museum specimens purportedly sexed correctly. We found significant sex-specific color differences: underwing coverts (G = 136.77, df = 5, P < 0.01), tarsometatarsus (G = 44.50, df = 4, P < 0.01), and facial disc (G = 50....

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