
Feeding behaviors can be modified via homeostatic and hedonic mechanisms. Homeostasis, while primarily concerned with maintaining energy balance via food consumption and energy expenditure, can alter food reward and motivation in response to food deprivation. Alternatively, reward and motivation of food is also driven by its palatability or hedonic nature, and this process can be augmented by opioid receptor activation. The present study examined sex differences in the motivational properties of sucrose pellets through manipulation of homeostatic and hedonic processes via acute food deprivation and acute systemic administration of morphine, respectively. The results showed that regardless of sex, systemic injections of morphine did not alter the motivation to obtain a sucrose pellet on a progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement but does significantly increase consumption of sucrose pellets when freely available. Male and female rats demonstrated similar increased consumption of sucrose pellets under free feeding conditions following acute (24-hours) food deprivation, compared to the non-deprived conditions. Overall, the findings from these experiments indicate that female rats work harder in order to obtain a sucrose pellet (under a Progressive Ratio (PR) schedule of reinforcement) and consume more sucrose pellets than males. However, while acute morphine administration causes similar increases on feeding in males and females, it does not alter motivation as measured by breakpoint on a PR schedule of reinforcement.

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