
Sex differences in conditioned pain modulation (CPM) have not been sufficiently explored. This pilot study aimed to examine sex differences in CPM effects and associations between autonomic activities and CPM effects in healthy, younger individuals. University students were recruited from February to March 2021 and divided by sex. They remained seated for 10 minutes as a rest period, then immersed their right hands in cold water for 2 minutes as a cold period. The pressure pain threshold (PPT) was measured after each period, presenting the CPM index (%) using the formula: (PPTcold/PPTrest) × 100. Autonomic nervous system variables were calculated using the formula-(autonomic variablecold/autonomic variablerest) × 100-and suffixed by "index" such as low-frequency/high-frequency (LF/HF) index. Some psychological questionnaires were self-recorded. Sex differences in the CPM index were statistically compared, and a simple linear regression analysis between the CPM and autonomic indices was conducted. Thirty-two participants were analyzed (14 women and 18 men; aged 21.1 ± 0.6 and 20.9 ± 0.3 years, respectively). Conditioned pain modulation effects were not different at 127.0 ± 19.1% in women and 124.0 ± 18.7% in men. The LF/HF index, LF normalized unit (nu) index (LFnu), and HFnu index had significant predictor variables for the CPM index across overall samples. The LF/HF index and LFnu index were significant predictor variables for the CPM index for women but not for men. Conditioned pain modulation effects between groups seem to be similar. The LF/HF and LFnu indices in women were significant, indicating that descending pain modulations in women might be more associated with autonomic activities than those in men.

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