
Since liver is a target for growth hormone action, binding of 125I-labeled human growth hormone to enzymatically isolated rat hepatocytes was studied. Specific binding was shown with hepatocytes from both male and female animals. There was a single class of receptors for human growth hormone on cells from males (affinity constant, Ka = 1.16 x 10(9) liters/mole; sites per cell, q = 6200). In males, bovine growth hormone was almost as potent as human growth hormone in displacing bound 125I-labeled human growth hormone, while ovine prolactin was about 1000 times less potent. Cells from female rats bound more 125I-labeled human growth hormone than cells from males. The cells from females contained at least two classes of receptors for human growth hormone. The receptor of highest affinity had the same affinity for human growth hormone as the single receptor found in males (Ka = 0.96 x 10(9) liters/mole). However, there were three to four times as many of these receptors per cell in females (q = 21,000). In females, bovine growth hormone and ovine prolactin were both about 20 times less potent than human growth hormone. Treatment of male rats with estrone produced cells that show the same binding characteristics as females. These results indicate that human growth hormone binds to a somatogenic receptor in hepatocytes from male rats. In females and estrogen-treated males, the receptors that bind human growth hormone recognize lactogenic as well as somatogenic properties. This suggests that the lactogenic and growth-promoting effects of human growth hormone in the rat are mediated by different receptors.

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