
The importance of sex differences in the control of blood pressure responses to exercise is controversial. It is unknown whether the potential sex differences are a result of magnitude differences in forward or reflected pressure waves. The purpose of this study was to investigate sex differences in BP following acute exercise using wave separation analysis. Sixty-eight adults (36 females) participated in the study. Aerobic capacity was measured during a graded cycle ergometry test. Central pulse wave analysis was derived from the radial pulse using applanation tonometry and separated into forward and reflected pressure waves before, and 15 min and 30 min after maximum aerobic exercise. Both males and females exhibited significantly decreased brachial SBP (p<0.05) following acute exercise. However, only males exhibited a significant decrease in forward wave pressure (p<0.05). Reflected wave pressure was decreased following exercise in both sex (p<0.05) with no sex difference. Males and females differ in blood pressure control following maximal exercise. Results show that males rely on both central and peripheral hemodynamic modifications, whereas females mostly rely on peripheral modifications. The preferential peripheral adaptations in females may provide insight regarding mechanisms of blood pressure control and the disproportionate development of hypertension in young men compared to women.

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