
Gender mainstreaming is an international strategy in Europe relating to gender equality using an intersectional approach. It deals, specifically, with new challenges for sexuality and diversity in education. From within this context, this paper focuses on two goals. The first is to analyse sex and gender equality policies in education, since the 2000s, in three Southern European societies: Andalusia and Valencian Community, in Spain, and Portugal. The second goal is to arrive at some comparative conclusions about the recent developments in sex and gender equality policies in education in these three societies. We end with some comparative conclusions. First, there is the political orientation of governments, which seems to be of relevance. Second, there are the policies and plans reviewed, which show a move from (binary) gender equality to a more inclusive gender equality that intersects with sexuality and diversity. Sexuality education, already available in Portugal, is still absent from Spanish schools. These three experiences can inform European public policies.

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