
In Lithuania, as in many other European countries, positive secular trend of body size became especially expressed at the middle of XX. century. The analysis showed the evident secular trend in height of adult Lithuanians since the end of XIX. century till 2001 from 163.5 till 181.3 cm in males and from 153.3 cm till 167.5 cm in females. Concerning growth and development of children, during the 1925-2001 period especially obvious acceleration of height was determined at the middle of adolescence due to much earlier sexual maturation at the end of XX. century. Secular trend of body height was more expressed in males of all ages, nevertheless this process stabilized in both sexes during the last decades. While comparing secular changes in BMI of adolescent Lithuanian girls and boys between the 1925-2001 period, the evident sexual differences in secular changes were determined from the middle of pubescence: the course of changes in BMI during the XX. century was nearly the same in both sexes, but at the end of XX. century older adolescent girls became obviously thinner compared with the changes of BMI in boys of the same age. A very similar trend in BMI of adult Lithuanian women since 1980 till 2002 was also detected. This phenomenon could be more related with the changes in life stile, modern-day canons for unrealistically thin female's body and strong social pressure on women today.

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