
There is no data in the literature concerning the frequency of birthing difficulties in the elk cow. This study aims to describe the pelves of elk cows and adult bulls. The measurements of an elk pelvis depend on living conditions rather than age. The dimensions of primiparous pelves are more homogeneous than those of pluriparous cows because heifers have to reach a certain weight prior to successful conception. The elk pelvis has a rather slim shape; the cavum pelvis is deep, oval lengthwise in the median plane, and narrows in the caudal direction. Primiparous and pluriparous cows were significantly different regarding the following measurements: the lengths of the diameter conjugata, the diameter transversa and the caudal transverse and the area of the aperturae pelvis. The pelvic cavity of bulls is longer and narrower in comparison with that of cows, and the areas of the pelvic apertures are smaller. A rapid delivery of the foetus is facilitated by the following factors: a uniform diameter and an appropriate angle of inclination of the bony birth canal, relative mobility of the articulatio sacroiliaca, a concave pelvic surface of the os sacrum, a slow ossification of the symphysis pelvina and the degeneration of the tuberculum pubicum dorsale. In order to differentiate between elks pelves by sex and age, the measurements of the aperturae pelvis and their ratios, the surface area of the symphysis pelvina and the pecten ossis pubis, and the position of the eminentiae iliopubicae and os interischiadicum should be recorded and analysed.

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