
We apply the global operator bosonization on Riemann surfaces in order to describe the sewing of the bcβγ (reparametrization/superconformal ghosts) theories. The non-trivial part is the βγ sector, where a complicated rearrangement of the structure of spurious poles is to be accounted for. Yet the bc theory is also included, which allows us to develop a unified treatment for the ghost/superghost system in the phase II bosonization (related to the superfield “super”-bosonization). It turns out that sewing can be accomplished by two kinds of transformations of the global bosonization scheme: (i) a redefinition of the basic bosonic currents, and (ii) a “form-variation” of a composite bosonic operator (the background operator) which represents the minimal set of the bcβγ field operator insertions. The “form-variation” is explicitly implemented by multiplying the background operator with a certain composite bosonized operator. Both (i) and (ii) should be followed by normal re-ordering, since the intrinsic (“global”) normal ordering prescription on a Riemann surface varies with the surface.

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