
Viticulture production is challenged by climate change and the consequent higher accumulation of carbohydrates in grapevine berries, resulting in high-alcoholic wines. This study investigates the application of severe shoot trimming performed at three different stages and crop size management as tools for the modulation of cv. Merlot berry composition, aimed at reducing the sugar content in the berry. In the first study, the effects of severe shoot trimming carried out at three different phenological stages were studied. In the second study, late severe shoot trimming was combined with two crop sizes and regulated by shoot thinning. The obtained results demonstrated that severe shoot trimming in earlier stages of berry development limited the accumulation of both sugars and anthocyanins as compared to the control treatment. However, when severe shoot trimming was performed at late veraison (at approximately 14 Brix), it decreased only the accumulation of sugars, without affecting the accumulation of anthocyanins. The results of the second study showed that the modification of crop size by shoot thinning significantly affected the measured yield parameters, whereas the effect on Brix and anthocyanins was seasonally dependent. It was concluded that among the studied techniques, severe shoot trimming at late veraison is the most effective way to reduce sugar content in the berry without affecting the accumulation of anthocyanins.

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