
Necrotising fasciitis can be described as a severe soft tissue infection that results in progressive destruction of subcutaneous fat and fascia. Necrotising fasciitis is commonly due to Streptococcus pyogenes infection but often due to mixed infections like anaerobes, coliforms and gram negative organisms. The capacity of NSAIDs of disregulating the production of inammatory mediators (such as cytokines, proteases, etc.) by leucocytes is a plausible biological mechanism to explain how these drugs might predispose to Necrotising Fasciitis or impede its timely recognition and management. Furthermore, intramuscular injection of NSAID can provoke severe tissue trauma, such as aseptic tissue necrosis, representing a local portal of entry for infection that can progress to NF, potentially masking symptoms of Necrotising fasciitis leading to delaying in diagnosis. This study aims to establish an association between Severe Necrotising fasciitis in patients with administration of NSAIDs. This study described 14 cases of Necrotizing fasciitis admitted in JSS hospital, severity complicated by administration of NSAIDS. A detailed description of the patients was done in the case report.

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