
The concept of severe and complex youth depression has evolved from clinical experience. Here we conducted a file audit study to evaluate supporting data for the construct. A retrospective file audit was undertaken with 84 consecutively discharged patients over 6-months from Orygen's Youth Mood Clinic (YMC; 50% female). Over a third (36.9%) were disengaged from vocation and education, with exposure to traumatic events common (84.5%). Almost all patients (91.7%) reported past 2-week suicidal ideation at clinic entry. Hospital emergency departments were the most frequent referral source (31.0%). Most (72.6%) had received previous mental health treatment. Multimorbidity was frequently observed. The presence of a substance use disorder, or ≥ 3 comorbidities were both associated with a greater likelihood of prior suicide attempt. These data highlight the clinical needs associated with severe and complex depression. Findings have implications for youth experiencing mood disorders attending tertiary and community mental health settings.

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