
The purpose of this study was to describe whether the speaking materials from the English textbook entitled "When English Rings a Bell" for 7th Grade Junior High School students fulfill the criteria of good speaking materials based on the Cunningsworth' and Savignon’s theory. This was written by Yuli Rulani Khatimah, Asep Gunawan, and Siti Wachidah. This research is expected to provide a detailed understanding of speaking materials. This study used a document analysis design in collecting data. The researcher used descriptive qualitative methods. The researcher used the instruments in the checklist table. The results of this study indicate that 31% of components meet the criteria in the speaking materials in this textbook. The speaking material in this textbook has some lack in the linguistic and activity aspect but, this book has a good design because its design with colorful and also presents attractive pictures. From the research results, it can be concluded that the speaking materials in this book did not fulfill all of the criteria of good reading materials according to Cunningsworth and Savignon's theory.

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