
AbstractIn June and July 2001, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) installed a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) to treat a groundwater plume of chlorinated solvents migrating from an electronics manufacturer in Needham, Massachusetts, toward the Town of Wellesley's Rosemary Valley wellfield. The primary contaminant of concern at the site is trichloroethene (TCE), which at the time had a maximum average concentration of approximately 300 micrograms per liter directly upgradient of the PRB. The PRB is composed of a mix of granular zero‐valent iron (ZVI) filings and sand with a pure‐iron thickness design along its length between 0.5 and 1.7 feet. The PRB was designed to intercept the entire overburden plume; a previous study had indicated that the contaminant flux in the bedrock was negligible. Groundwater samples have been collected from monitoring wells upgradient and downgradient of the PRB on a quarterly basis since installation of the PRB. Inorganic parameters, such as oxidation/reduction potential, dissolved oxygen, and pH, are also measured to determine stabilization during the sampling process. Review of the analytical data indicates that the PRB is significantly reducing TCE concentrations along its length. However, in two discrete locations, TCE concentrations show little decrease in the downgradient monitoring wells, particularly in the deep overburden. Data available for review include the organic and inorganic analytical data, slug test results from nearby bedrock and overburden wells, and upgradient and downgradient groundwater‐level information. These data aid in refining the conceptual site model for the PRB, evaluating its performance, and provide clues as to the reasons for the PRB's underperformance in certain locations. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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