
We present a comprehensive discussion of the formulation of the kinematics of special relativity, i.e., the Lorentz transformation. We begin with a concise new proof that the principle of relativity implies that the transformation of event coordinates between inertial reference frames is linear. We then give a clear derivation of the pre-Lorentz transformation, which follows from the principle of relativity. We then show that the pre-Lorentz transformation and the inertial invariance of the speed of light together result in the Lorentz transformation. This, of course, is essentially the traditional formulation. We next present two additional formulations, one using Lorentz–Fitzgerald contraction and one using time dilation, instead of inertial invariance. This is reasonable since Lorentz–Fitzgerald contraction and time dilation are about as well established as and are arguably less abstract than inertial invariance, and thus may profitably be used instead of inertial invariance to complete the formulation. We then present a complete proof that the pre-Lorentz transformation and the requirement of closure upon composition together imply that the transformation is either a Galilean transformation or a generalized Lorentz transformation. This is noteworthy in that it gets ever so close to the Lorentz transformation without invoking light. In the course of this, we obtain a generalized velocity addition rule, which reduces to the velocity addition rule of special relativity. We next show that the generalized Lorentz transformation, together with inertial invariance, Lorentz–Fitzgerald contraction, and time dilation, used one at a time, yields three more formulations. We then show that the unspecified, nonzero, constant speed in the generalized Lorentz transformation can be determined without any reference to light, thereby obtaining a seventh formulation. Light plays no explicit role in the four formulations employing Lorentz–Fitzgerald contraction and time dilation and plays no role whatsoever in the seventh formulation. Thus, and this is a fact which should be strongly emphasized, the formulation of special relativity in no way depends upon the nature of electromagnetic radiation. We conclude by briefly discussing these seven formulations of the kinematics of special relativity and some associated implications.

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