
The size and settling velocity of oil-mineral aggregates (OMAs) derived from diluted bitumen are primary constituents in predictive models for evaluating the potential fate of oil spilled in the aquatic environment. A series of low sediment concentration (15mg·L−1), colder water (<10°C) wave tank experiments designed to measure variability in these parameters in naturally-formed OMAs in response the presence or absence of chemical dispersant are discussed. Corresponding lab experiments revealed settling velocities of artificially formed OMAs on the order of 0.1–0.4mm·s−1. High-resolution imagery of settling particles were analyzed for particle size, density and settling velocity. In situ formation of OMAs in the wave tank was unsuccessful. Possible effects of chemical dispersant on natural sediment flocculation, the size of suspended oil droplets and clearance rates of suspended particles are discussed.

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