
In 2007, in the northern part of Kharkiv, in the Sarzhyn Yar hole, during the archaeological examination of the land, a new settlement “Sarzhyn Yar-3” was discovered that is dated to the beginning of 1st millennium AD. The settlement is located on the right slope of Sarzhyn Yar ravine, along the bottom of which flows stream Sarzhynka. Judging by the relief, from the west and east the settlement is limited by small ravines, and from the south by the bottom of the ravine. The approximate size of the settlement is 200 × 150 m. Unfortunately, most of the settlement is built up and destroyed. Through the settlement passes st. Derevianko, which at this part was made of bulk soil. One section of the settlement is located under the territory of the garage cooperative. In order to obtain more information in 2007, three excavations with a total area of 102 square meters were laid in different parts of the settlement under the supervision of the author. The cultural layer is very much destroyed and only in some places it was preserved to a thickness of 0,10—0,25 m. In excavation No. 1, two household pits were found containing expressive cultural remains. Outside the complexes, fragments of ceramics are very rare. The ceramic complex of the excavation is represented by fragments of molded pots with a rough surface. Two types of pots stand out among them: biconical (or ribbed) and round-sided. One pot is jar-shaped. Among the bowls, the edges of the rim of which are bent inward, two types can be distinguished: with and without a rib (with a smooth profile). One bowl has a rim bent outward. In the filling of the pits, fragments of two discs were found. In total, 258 fragments of ceramics were found during excavations, of which 229 fragments of pots with a rough surface, which is 89%. Burnished bowls — 29 fragments (11 %). Such pots and bowls were found in the settlements of Kartamyshevo-2 —Ternovka-2, Golovino-1 and other monuments of the late Zarubynets culture. At these settlements, the percentage of burnished bowls is more than 4,0 % of the total number of pottery fragments. Thus, the percentage of burnished pottery and the ceramic complex are typical for monuments of Kartamyshevo-2—Ternovka-2 types. Thereby, in 2007, in Kharkiv, in the Sarzhyn Yar hole, a new settlement was discovered, at which the remains of housing complexes of the second half of 1st—2nd c. AD were studied.


  • In 2007, in the northern part of Kharkiv, in the Sarzhyn Yar hole, during the archaeological examination of the land, a new settlement “Sarzhyn Yar-3” was discovered that is dated to the beginning of 1st millennium AD

  • The ceramic complex of the excavation is represented by fragments of molded pots with a rough surface

  • The percentage of burnished pottery and the ceramic complex are typical for monuments of Kartamyshevo-2—Ternovka-2 types

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Поселення пiзньозарубинецького часу в Харковi

Харків було виявлено нове поселення початку І тис н. Саржин Яр, було виявлено нове поселення цього періоду. На лівому схилі Саржиного Яру, в урвищі було зафіксовано культурний шар поселення скіфського часу. У зв’язку з тим, що це поселення розташоване на відстані понад кілометр від іншого, раніш відкритого у Ботанічному саду, також їх розділяє декілька рівчаків, йому було надано нову назву Саржин Яр 3 3. У заповненні ями також були знайдені два уламки бортиків лощених мисок конічної форми, у яких вертикальний край бортиків трохи загнутий до середини Серед них можна відмітити уламки горщиків з вінцями Розкоп ІІ площею 22 м2 було закладено на південний захід від розкопу І Відсоток лощеного посуду та увесь керамічний комплекс поселення Саржин Яр-3 можна зарахувати до пізньозарубинецького часу.

Поселение позднезарубинецкого времени в Харькове
Settlement of the late Zarubynets culture in Kharkiv
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